80 Years Experience • Free Estimates
219-808-3210 • 219-746-4220
Drain Tile • Drain Tile Systems
Gravity Drain Systems • Waterways

Mitsch Farm Drainage has 80 years experience and is the regional leader for drain tile, drain tile systems, gravity systems, field drainage work, and precision job site preparation.
You can depend on Mitsch Farm Drainage for quality service delivered on time and on budget.
Serving Newton County, Jasper County, Porter County, and Lake County Indiana communities.
For your free, no-obligation estimate, call us today at 219-808-3210 or 219-746-4220.
Benefits of Agricultural Tile Drainage
More consistent yields
More efficient resource use
Reduced financial risk
Earlier/more timely planting
Improved harvest conditions
Better plant stand
Less plant stress
Fewer plant diseases
Less soil compaction
Land Clearing & Brush Mowing

Trust Mitsch Farm Drainage to handle your residential or commercial land clearing project, large or small.
With 80 years of land clearing experience, we’ll clear trees, stumps, and brush to give you a clean, level, finished surface.
We use cutting-edge equipment run by trained, professional operators so you can be sure of the perfect job every time. We’ll get rid of the trees you want removed, and preserve the ones you want to keep.
Serving Newton County, Jasper County, Porter County, and Lake County Indiana communities.
For your free, no-obligation estimate, call us today at 219-808-3210 or 219-746-4220.
Large and Small Acreage
Individual or Commercial
Pasture Reclamation
Pipeline Maintenance
Fence & Survey Line Clearing
Pipeline Right of Way
Fire Break Construction
Habitat Improvement
Site Clean Up
Harvest Preparation
Trails & road clearing
Home Site Clearing
Underbrush removal
Hunting Access Lanes
Utility Easements
Utility Right-Of-Ways – ROW
Vegetation management
Wildlife Habitat Restoration
Mulching of Brush Piles
Woodlot beautification
Septic Installation • Septic Replacement • Septic Repair

Mitsch Farm Drainage is your residential and commercial septic system specialist for septic system installations, septic system replacements, and septic system repairs,
A properly designed and installed septic system will provide years of trouble-free service if you practice good daily habits and have the septic tank regularly pumped.
Understanding and caring for your home septic system helps avoid problems.
In the section below are some helpful tips for long-lasting, trouble-free septic system service…and call Mitsch Farm Drainage for all your septic system installation, replacement, and service needs.
Serving Newton County, Jasper County, Porter County, and Lake County Indiana communities.
For your free, no-obligation estimate, call us today at 219-808-3210 or 219-746-4220.
Septic System Care
How often should my septic system be pumped?
Your septic system should be pumped every 1 to 3 years, when the sludge in the tank approaches one-third of the liquid depth. If more than this amount of sludge builds up, it increases the solids that get into the disposal field and clogs the system. To insure regular service, we recommend that you keep a maintenance record of your system.
What about a garbage disposal?
Garbage disposals are not recommended, because food particles fill up the septic tank faster and tend to clog the lateral system. If a garbage disposal is used, the septic tank must typically be cleaned twice as often.
What affect does rain water have on my septic system?
All water entering the septic system has to be disposed of, so to keep from overloading the system, it’s important that you do not have storm or clear water from the roof or basement go directly into the septic system.
Special Precautions
Don’t ever go into a septic tank. Lethal gases build up in the tank that can be overpowering and deadly. If you have a problem with your septic system, call professionals like Mitsch Farm Drainage.
Know the location of the septic system cover and make sure it is locked or securely covered at all times. For maximum safety, septic tanks that are no longer being used should be completely filled with earth or rock.
Be sure to check with your community’s health department for local septic system regulations and requirements, and call Mitsch Farm Drainage at 209-808-3210 or 219-746-4220 for all your septic system needs.
Final Lawn Grading & Seeding • Erosion Control

When your residential or commercial property needs final grading or seeding, you can trust the professionals at Mitsch Farm Drainage.
Improper lawn grading can lead to property imbalances, plant and tree damage, root damage, and erosion problems.
When Mitsch Farm Drainage grades or levels your property, you can be assured of a professional job that will help improve your property’s appearance, promote a safer environment, and prevent potential future damage.
Proper lawn grading also serves as an important part of drainage and erosion control.
Serving Newton County, Jasper County, Porter County, and Lake County Indiana communities.
For your free, no-obligation estimate, call us today at 219-808-3210 or 219-746-4220.
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